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Celebrating Three Years of our Employee Share Ownership Plan

At Barker Ryan Stewart, we believe in fostering an environment in which our incredible team can feel empowered and contribute meaningfully to our future growth. We value working collaboratively with our team, by providing opportunities for staff to make strategic decisions to help guide our business according to what is important to them.

Three years after it’s implementation, we look at how our Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) has flourished and continues to strengthen our team by rewarding the dedicated efforts they contribute to the business.  

Our ESOP provides our incredible team with the opportunity take on more ownership and responsibilities and profit from the growth and success of Barker Ryan Stewart, while benefitting our customers by providing a long-term sustainable business model with engaged and motivated employees. 

About our Employee Share Ownership Plan 

The Employee Share Ownership Plan simultaneously rewards our employees for their collective effort and supports their continued innovation, enterprise, and commitment. Since it’s implementation, our ESOP has provided our staff with an environment of empowerment, opportunity and equity.  

By aligning employee and management goals and aspirations, Employee Share Ownership Plans can help improve the quality of service provided to our customers through a well-rewarded and motivated team that are encouraged to think and act like business owners.  

Over the past three years, our Employee Share Ownership Plan has been well-received by the team, resulting in 24 employees collectively owning 13% of the company’s equity. 

Our CEO Andrea McDonald said, “The ESOP has been a great mechanism for rewarding key staff and allowing employees to purchase equity in BRS. The ESOP has assisted with the continual development of a cohesive and committed team, sharing the benefit of a successful and profitable business” 

To discover more about how our Employee Share Ownership Plan works in practice, please visit the link below.

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