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Queensland Government Unveils Draft Redland Housing Strategy

The Queensland Government has unveiled the draft Redland Housing Strategy, outlining how housing will be delivered to the evolving Redland community to 2046.

The Queensland Government has released the draft Redland Housing Strategy 2023 – 2046, providing a pathway to ensure the local housing supply meets the current and future needs of the fast-growing coastal city.

The draft Strategy outlines the existing housing context in Redland, as well as identifying the community’s future housing needs through engagement, statistical analysis, and future projections.

The Queensland Government is currently seeking community feedback to inform the final Redland Housing Strategy, which will work alongside the ShapingSEQ 2023 Update and State Planning Policy, to support future amendments to the Redland City Plan 2018.

What does the Strategy aim to achieve?

The draft Strategy aims to provide a long-term pathway to reach greater housing supply and diversity to support both the current and future population of Redland.

According to the Queensland Government, the Strategy aims to:

  • Provide a range of housing options and densities to meet the community’s needs.
  • Improve housing choice in the Redland area.
  • Support the Redland community’s housing and growing population needs into the future.

Currently, over 50% of houses in Redland have four or more bedrooms, leading to limited housing options for residents who would prefer smaller and more affordable homes.

During the preliminary round of public engagement in June 2023, it was revealed that 75% of respondents seeking to upsize or downsize were not confident they could find a new home in their current suburb which met their needs. The draft Strategy outlines a pathway for a range of housing choices to help Redland residents stay in the area as they progress through different stages of life.

The draft Strategy aims to identify opportunities for increased density in suitable locations and encourages a sustainable balance between urban development and protecting environmental areas highly valued by the local community.

How will the Strategy be implemented?

The draft Strategy includes an Implementation Plan, providing a framework for the actions required to help improve housing supply and diversity in Redland.

The Implementation Plan addresses the future action required to support housing in Redland City and is set to be achieved through four key strategic directions, including:

  • Strategic direction 1 – Support increased densities to occur within Redland’s high amenity areas.
  • Strategic direction 2 – Plan for greater housing diversity to support the current and future needs of the Redland community.
  • Strategic direction 3 – Plan for and incentivise more affordable and social housing in Redland.
  • Strategic direction 4 – Implement annual monitoring and reporting of housing supply and diversity in Redland.

Have your Say

The draft Redland Housing Strategy is open for public consultation from 16 October to 12 November 2023. Find out more information about the consultation period here.

The final Strategy will consider feedback received during the consultation period, alongside the final population and dwelling targets provided through ShapingSEQ.

How can Barker Ryan Stewart assist?

Our team has a comprehensive understanding of the draft Redland Housing Strategy, and can provide urban planningcivil engineering, infrastructure planning and project management services to assist with achieving approval for your next development.

For further information on how the draft Strategy may affect your current or future development, please don’t hesitate to contact our QLD Planning Manager, Nicole Webb at or on 07 5582 6555.

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