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Bradfield City Centre: Unlocking opportunities in Australia’s newest major city

Bradfield City Centre is set to become one of Australia and NSW’s most transformative urban developments, connecting Western Sydney to the rest of the world.

Located at the heart of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, Bradfield City Centre will become a vibrant, 24/7 global city, acting as a central gathering place for arts, culture and entertainment, and driving advancements in industry.

With a total size of 114 hectares, Bradfield City Centre is one of the largest urban developments ever undertaken in Australia and the first major city built in over 100 years. 

Bradfield City Centre Master Plan

The draft Bradfield City Centre Master Plan was released by the NSW Government in early 2024 and outlines how the city will grow over time.

The Plan positions Bradfield City as a centre for innovation, education, and skills development, that is poised to become Australia’s premier hub for advanced and emerging industries.

It also sets out a framework for future development within the city and strategies to deliver necessary infrastructure including housing, streets and roads, city blocks, parks and open space, and commercial and retail precincts. 

The city will be centred on key features including design excellence, character and culture, and movement and connectivity. Some of these key features include:

  • Two million square metres of gross floor area for development
  • Space for over 80 buildings up to 15 storeys high
  • Major bus, road and metro interchanges in the heart of the city
  • 36 hectares of open space, waterways and playgrounds

Following the exhibition period, the Plan is currently being progressed through the planning approval pathway and if approved, the Department of Planning anticipates it could be finalised by mid-2024.

The NSW Government has revealed the draft Bradfield City Centre Master Plan outlining how the city will grow over time. Video sourced via: Western Parkland City Authority.

Unlocking opportunities in Western Sydney

As the third largest economy in Australia, Western Sydney comprises just over $155 billion in economic value and accounts for almost one-quarter of the NSW economy.

According to Western Sydney University, the region’s booming economy is partly attributed to its rapidly growing population, which is expected to increase to over 3.2 million by 2036.

Bradfield City Centre, alongside the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, forms a key part of Western Sydney’s future economic growth, by unlocking new economic opportunities, advanced manufacturing and high-tech industries, and connecting Western Sydney with global supply chains.

The NSW Government has invested $1.2 billion into the city, and the transformative development is projected to unlock billions more in private investment. 

On top of this investment, Bradfield City Centre will support the creation of 10,000 additional homes and 20,000 direct jobs for the Western Sydney community.

First land release set to create new jobs and homes

In a significant milestone, the NSW Government has announced the first land release of Bradfield City Centre, referred to as Superlot 1.

Situated on a 4.8-hectare mixed-use site, Superlot 1 will include the development of 1,000 new homes, alongside a commercial childcare, hotel, retail, medical spaces and public domain. 

This initial land release provides the first of many exciting opportunities for the private sector and developers to help shape the future of Bradfield City Centre.

Need assistance with an upcoming development in Western Sydney?

With our office ideally located in Norwest, Barker Ryan Stewart has been involved in over 1,000 projects to date in the Western Sydney region. 

We are well-resourced and positioned to assist in providing our full range of services for your next project in Western Sydney.

If you have any questions about further opportunities for growth or how we can assist with your development, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Cover image sourced via Western City Parkland Authority.

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