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Our Management Team

Tony Hart

- Northern Rivers Manager and Registered Surveyor

  • Bachelor of Surveying, University of New South Wales
  • Registered Surveyor
  • Member of NSW Institution of Surveyors

Tony is a Registered Surveyor with over 40 years’ experience in the property and infrastructure industry. Tony has a wide range of surveying expertise spanning from small scale local developments, to International Border Mapping as part of the Eritrea / Ethiopia Border Mapping for the United Nations.

Tony has extensive experience working on urban and rural subdivisions and large-scale construction set-out projects, as well as commercial and industrial estate, residential and rural estate, road and stockpile, pipeline, electricity line, and high-rise building surveys and set outs.

He also has extensive experience conducting railway, bridge, motorway, and tunnel surveys for large-scale infrastructure projects.

Tony has experience providing project management services for a wide array of projects, including managing project teams, subconsultants, and sub-contractors.

In his role as Northern Rivers Manager, Tony is responsible for providing expert technical advice and for the planning and coordination of the Northern Rivers team and project resources.

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