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Wellington North Solar Farm

Sustainability and Climate Resilience

Wellington North solar farm is a new $540 million solar project set to generate enough clean renewable energy to power over 100,000 homes once operational.

Located 50 kilometres south-east of Dubbo, Wellington North solar farm is expected to generate approximately 915 gigawatt-hours of renewable power per year, saving over 730,000 tonnes of C02 emissions.

The solar farm is situated on a 970-hectare site and will use 1.2 million bifacial solar panels, contributing to NSW’s target of increasing its share of renewable energy to over 60 per cent by 2030.

The 425MW Wellington North Solar farm is adjacent to the 200MW Wellington solar farm, and once complete, the combined solar hub will have the installed capacity of 625MW, and the potential to become the state’s largest solar project.

Currently in its construction phase, the project is providing significant economic benefits for the local community by creating up to 400 local construction jobs and is expected to be operational by mid-2024.

Barker Ryan Stewart is providing TfNSW project verification services required for the intersection upgrade of Goolma Road and the proposed access road to the solar farm. This involved reviewing project documentation and inspection construction works to ensure compliance with TfNSW specifications and the approved design.

The full scope of services includes:

  • Project Plan assessment and certification
  • Preparation of a Verification and Monitoring Plan
  • Attendance at hold point and other site inspections
  • Verification of construction works
  • Preparation of monthly reports and construction certificates
  • Issue of a Construction Completion Certificate
  • Issue of a Final Verification Certificate

Project Details




Goolma Road, Wellington


TfNSW Project Verification

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