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Ngambaa Feral Predator Fence Water Crossing Design

Infrastructure and Civil Engineering

Barker Ryan Stewart assisted NSW Public Works and National Parks and Wildlife Services by providing civil engineering services required for the design of a feral predator fence water crossing in Ngambaa Nature Reserve.

Feral predator-free areas provide native wildlife with essential protection from the devastating consequences of invasive species including cats, foxes, boars and goats. Since European colonisation, 26 native mammal species have become extinct in NSW, whereas 50–60% risk endangerment.

Ngambaa Nature Reserve specifically, is home to the threatened species of the long-nosed potoroo and the eastern chestnut mouse as pictured below.

Native protection is achieved by erecting conservation fencing surrounding perimeters of the determined ecological restoration area which prevents such feral fauna from entering, and native wildlife from leaving.

Our civil engineering team proudly worked in collaboration with the NSW Public Works and National Parks and Wildlife Services to develop the Ngambaa fence water crossing design which was successfully completed in May of 2024.

“This was a job that had extreme slopes and very difficult terrain to construct a major culvert crossing that tied into a feral predator fence. The design work was undertaken by BRS and constructed by Mid North Coast Contractors (MNCC) for NSW Public Works and National Parks and Wildlife Services (NPWS).”Joel Smith, Mid North Coast Manager

This project aligns closely with our aim to create a better future for our environment, and we are proud to help contribute to important conservation efforts in the Mid North Coast.

Project Details


NSW Public Works and National Parks and Wildlife Services


Ngambaa Nature Reserve, Allgomera


Civil Engineering Design

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