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Mount Penang Parklands, Kariong

Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning

Mount Penang Parklands precinct is a tourism, recreation, business, and education destination ideally located on the Central Coast.

The 130-hectare site includes 23 hectares of picturesque gardens and event space, a 27-hectare heritage business park, community facilities, significant bushlands, and potential development land.

The Parklands are renowned for the Mount Penang Gardens, which have been carefully designed as a place for the community to enjoy nature through the garden’s thriving native flora, waterways, and summer aquatic gardens.

Hunter & Central Coast Development Corporation are currently undertaking $16 million infrastructure upgrades within the parklands to help improve road, footpath, water, and sewerage services to the area. The works will include upgrading and extending the existing Parklands Road, augmenting the internal road network, and water and sewer upgrades.

Barker Ryan Stewart was engaged by Hunter & Central Coast Development Corporation for the provision of traffic engineering and certification services to assist with improving pedestrian safety and access at Mount Penang Parklands to be incorporated into current and future infrastructure upgrades.

The full scope of services includes:

  • Road safety audit
  • Provision of Traffic Engineering advice
  • Third party review certification (design)
  • Third party review certification (works inspections and compliance)

Project Details


Hunter & Central Coast Development Corporation


Parklands Road, Kariong


Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning

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