Barker Ryan Stewart can provide town planning services to address the primary coastal planning controls during lodgement of a development application (DA).
Coastal DAs are required to address the objectives of the coastal planning legislation to identify compliance with strategic and statutory management controls.
Some of the recent coastal planning projects we have been involved in include:
Pittwater Road, Collaroy
Following major storm events and significant coastal erosion to a beachfront property in Collaroy, Barker Ryan Stewart has recently secured development approval for significant upgrades to private property coastal protection works (seawall construction) on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.
The proposed works adopt best practice coastal engineering design to facilitate the seawall in accordance with the Northern Beaches Coastal Zone Management Plans and relevant local planning controls.
In collaboration with additional sub consultants, Barker Ryan Stewart provided a comprehensive review of relevant coastal planning controls and engineering design to facilitate long term protection of private coastal property assets.
The full scope of services provided include:
- Statement of Environmental Effects
- Compiling documentation and monitoring the DA
- Section 4.55 Report
Tudibaring Parade, MacMasters Beach
Barker Ryan Stewart has also secured approval for alterations and additions to a beach front dwelling in MacMasters Beach incorporating additional building works seaward of the coastal building line.
In addition to large scale re-design of the existing premises, the DA addressed coastal hazard controls within the Gosford Development Control Plan 2013 to facilitate a cantilevered extension of the roofline over an existing ocean front entertaining area. Consent was also provided for construction of a secondary dwelling within the Coastal Environment and Coastal Use Areas as determined in SEPP (Coastal Management) 2018 online mapping.
The full scope of services provided include:
- Town planning advice
- Statement of Environmental Effects
- Compiling documentation and monitoring the DA
- Concept Stormwater Management Plan
- Waste Management Plan