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Ipswich City Council Unveils New Planning Scheme

Ipswich City Council has unveiled the Ipswich Plan 2024 as the city’s new planning scheme to help guide planning within the evolving city over the next two decades.

As Queensland’s fastest growing city, Ipswich is a key regional growth area in South East Queensland and is expected to experience significant population growth from 247,000 people to 535,000 by 2046.

To help support this expected growth, the recently unveiled Ipswich Plan 2024 will identify where future growth and development should occur to ensure it benefits its people, places, the environment, and the economy.

Key Takeaways of the Ipswich Plan 2024

The draft Ipswich Plan 2024 has been prepared in accordance with the Planning Act 2016 and will outline the strategic framework to support the city’s future growth.

Guided by Queensland planning legislation, the planning scheme sets out the future vision for the local government area over the next 20 years and identifies where future growth and development should occur. The draft Plan plans for and regulates what development should occur where and when, how development should occur, and what assessment process is required.

The announcement of a new planning scheme is a significant milestone for the city, as the current 2006 scheme has been given a substantial overhaul to create a contemporary Plan in line with many other South East Queensland planning schemes and consistent with current planning legislation.

Have your Say

The draft Ipswich Plan 2024 is now open for public consultation from 15 May to 16 July 2023. You can find out more information on the Plan here.

Following public consultation, Council will review submissions received, prepare a submissions report, and make any final amendments to the Plan for Council for endorsement. The proposed Ipswich Plan 2024 will then be submitted to State Government for review and approval to adopt.

The Plan is anticipated to be in effect in early 2024.

How can Barker Ryan Stewart assist?

For further information on the new planning scheme and how the proposed changes may affect your current or future development opportunities in Ipswich, please don’t hesitate to contact our QLD Planning Manager, Nicole Webb at or on 07 5582 6555.

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