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Hunter Water introduces new environmental assessment process

Hunter Water has reformed its environmental assessment approval process for developer works to help improve its service delivery and adopt recent legislative changes.

The purpose of Hunter Water’s environmental assessment process is to consider how proposed water and sewer works may impact the environment and the local community and to ensure any impacts are addressed during the application and approvals process.

The new process allows applicants to choose a broader range of approval pathways for their development and infrastructure projects. The process commenced in August 2024, with a transition period for any existing works in progress until the end of 2024.

How does the environmental assessment process work?

The new process allows applicants to choose one of four environmental approval pathways:

  1. Complying development certificates: Hunter Water will accept complying development certificates (CDC) from private certifiers for simple works that are deemed low risk.
  2. Part 4 council consent: Hunter Water will accept Part 4 council consent where water and/or sewer design drawings are included in the development application.
  3. Part 5 approvals: Hunter Water will accept Part 5 approvals from other authorities where the water and/or sewer proposal has been included in the scope of the approval.
  4. Hunter Water Review of Environmental Factors: Hunter Water will continue to accept Review of Environmental Factors (REF), however, the REF will need to be prepared in the revised REF template provided by Hunter Water to help streamline the process.

What documentation is required?

Hunter Water requires an Environmental Assessment Application Form for all applications, allowing applicants to nominate the environmental assessment pathway for the proposal. The design consultant is required to complete the form and submit it to Hunter Water.

The documentation required for each environmental approval pathway includes:

  1. Complying Development: A CDC issued by registered subdivision certifiers can be accepted for Hunter Water projects. Once the CDC has been issued by the certifier, it can be submitted to Hunter Water with the design drawings and Application for Recognition of Complying Development form.
  2. Council Consent: Hunter Water recognises development consent issued by Council including water and/or sewer design. For this pathway, Hunter Water requires an Application for Recognition of Council Consent, a copy of the development consent, stamped plans, and Statement of Environmental Effects.
  3. Other Authority Approvals: Hunter Water recognises approvals issued by other authorities that cover the scope of the proposed water and/or sewer works. For this pathway, Hunter Water requires an Application for Recognition of Other Authority Approval form, a copy of the approval, and environmental assessment that was approved by the other authority.
  4. Review of Environmental Factors: For works that aren’t covered by the other pathways, Hunter Water requires a REF in the revised template. The REF can be submitted to Hunter Water with an Application for Review of Environmental Factors form and a copy of the detailed design drawings. Hunter Water will issue an Instrument of Approval including requirements for the construction and operation of the activity, if the REF sufficiently describes the works undertaken, identifies environmental risks and proposes how the risks will be managed.

How do you make a submission?

The required forms and attachments can be submitted by the Accredited Design Consultant to Hunter Water by emailing

Payment for the REF assessment fee is required once the REF has been submitted, and the first review of the REF report is generally completed within 30 to 60 days following receipt of payment. Additional reviews are usually completed within 30 days and any further reviews beyond the second review will include an additional assessment fee.  

How can Barker Ryan Stewart assist?

We are Accredited Hunter Water Design Consultants and are experienced in a variety of minor and major water and sewer infrastructure works projects for developers, Hunter Water, and local government authorities.

With the changes to Hunter Water’s environmental assessment process, we can assist you throughout the process by providing civil design, town planning, project management and certification services including:

  • Issuing Complying Development Certificates as a Registered Certifier.
  • Providing project management services to help streamline the project application process through Hunter Water’s Property Self Service Portal and ensure the correct documentation is included within the relevant Environmental Assessment pathway.
  • Preparing concept and final water and sewage reticulation designs and certifying the drawings.
  • Preparing Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Statement of Environmental Effects (SoEE), Review of Environmental Factors (REF).
  • Engaging early in the DA, CDC, Public Authority approvals process to determine the most beneficial environmental assessment approval pathway for your project and streamlining the submission of documentation to Hunter Water.

If you have any questions about the environmental approval process or how we can assist with your next development, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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