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A day in the life of a Bid Coordinator: Kristy Stephensen

At Barker Ryan Stewart, we’re proud to have a highly motivated and passionate team that works together to deliver infrastructure and create better outcomes for our communities.

Bid Coordinator

In our ‘day in the life’ blog series, we aim to showcase the work of our talented team and help you get to know the faces behind our projects a little better. This month we sat down with Kristy, a bid coordinator and administration officer in our Sydney office, to chat a bit more about the dynamics of her role and her best advice for anyone considering a career in the field.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what interested you in Bid Coordination and Administration.

I have always enjoyed supporting teams and working in the background. I got involved with tendering early on in my career as part of a reception role when I lived in Brisbane. I’ve since worked on tenders at other companies. What I like about bid coordination is being able to work with different people in all areas of the business with the goal to win work for the business. When a project is won, it’s a great feeling knowing that the wider team is working on a project that you helped to secure.

What does a typical workday look like for you and what brings you the most joy in your role?

When it comes to my role, every day is busy and varied, especially working in a multi-disciplined environment. My day is typically made up of downloading new tenders for the team to review, setting up projects and proposals, completing tender documentation, liaising with clients for submission feedback, administering various online portals, and record keeping and reporting.

Winning tenders brings me the most joy of course – the sense of satisfaction you feel when your hard work pays off and a tender submission is successful is the best feeling!

What’s it like being part of Barker Ryan Stewart’s Administration team?

It’s great to be part of a team who is really hard working and supportive, and no question is too small.

Since joining our team, what’s been the most memorable aspect of working at Barker Ryan Stewart so far?

Winning the Wollombi Road Project was a particularly special win for the business so that was very rewarding for me. The other (sociable) memorable aspect I have is attending the 2023 BRS conference and watching several of the team get hypnotised – they were so funny and such good sports!

Looking back at your career, is there anything that’s surprised you about working as a bid coordinator/admin officer?

When I first started assisting with tenders, the submissions were printed out, put into folders and copies ‘burnt’ onto CD’s. Then they were either couriered or hand delivered to a tender box at the client’s premises. These days they are either uploaded to a portal or emailed. I couldn’t imagine going back to having to print out copies of documentation and compiling them into folders again. Thankful for advances in technology!

Finally, what advice do you have for anyone considering a career as a Bid Coordinator and Administration Officer?

If you like administration, are a good communicator and team player, want a challenge and like the idea of helping to win business for your organisation, it’s a great role!

Want to get to know our team a bit better?

Check out our other ‘day in the life of’ blogs to learn more about our talented team.

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