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At a crossroad: Unlocking the Wyong Employment Zone

The Wyong Employment Zone is set to create thousands of jobs within the Central Coast LGA, however there are several key issues delaying the progression of the significant development and employment opportunities for the growing local community.

In NSW, employment zones support long-term economic growth through the creation of jobs and increased productivity. The Wyong Employment Zone (WEZ) was rezoned over a decade ago to provide employment lands over the next 25 years to cater for expected growth in the LGA. However, despite the strategic importance of the WEZ, several development challenges need to be resolved to unlock its full potential.

What is the Wyong Employment Zone?

The WEZ incorporates 744-hectares of land, including 340-hectares of employment zoned land, and is located adjacent to the nationally significant M1 Motorway and Sparks Road interchange.

The site has been identified as a project of State Significance and was rezoned under the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) (Major projects) in 2008. The WEZ is currently zoned E4 General Industrial, C2 Environmental Conservation, C3 Environmental Management and SP2 Infrastructure under the Wyong Local Environmental Plan 2013.

Why is the Wyong Employment Zone strategically important?

The WEZ is located within Greater Warnervale, an area of the Central Coast that has experienced considerable growth over the past two decades and contains most of the future urban growth opportunities in the LGA.

According to the Greater Warnervale Structure Plan, the population of Greater Warnervale is expected to grow from 36,846 people to approximately 64,044 people by 2041.

To support this expected growth, the WEZ is set to provide local employment opportunities in transport, freight, warehousing, logistics and manufacturing, given its strategic positioning near the M1 Motorway and accessibility to the Sydney and Newcastle/Hunter regions.

The sizeable area of industrial zoned land included in the WEZ is required to be released to provide significant employment opportunities, including the creation of a minimum of 6,000 local jobs.

What are the strategic development challenges?

Despite being rezoned for industrial development over a decade ago, several strategic development challenges are delaying the WEZ and subsequently the creation of significant employment opportunities for the current and future population of the area.

One of the key issues is the lack of government funding available for road and infrastructure upgrades required to unlock development in the WEZ. This includes a major upgrade to the Sparks Road and Mountain Road intersection – a critical piece of infrastructure that requires upgrading before development consent is granted for several proposed developments in the WEZ.

The onus currently falls on the individual developers to provide funding for the intersection upgrade in addition to substantial lead in costs for the provision of sewerage connections. The cost of works for the provision of infrastructure is significant and to date, no projects have commenced due to the infrastructure cost burdens that render the developments economically unviable.

According to the Central Coast Regional Plan 2041, a coordinated review is required for the WEZ, including the Sparks Road and Pacific Highway corridors, to ensure delivery, infrastructure and biodiversity offset actions are prioritised.

However, the current lack of a coordinated approach and funding available to progress the critical infrastructure required to unlock the WEZ has left proposed developments stuck at a crossroads.

Our Involvement in the Wyong Employment Zone

Barker Ryan Stewart has been involved in several key developments in the WEZ that are strategically important in unlocking economic opportunities for the area.

Sparks Road, Halloran – Industrial Warehousing and Service Centre Development

Our team is providing planning, civil engineering, surveying and traffic engineering services for the proposed rezoning of part of a 4.51-hectare site located at Sparks Road, Halloran.

The site is strategically located at the intersection of Sparks Road and Mountain Road, forming the gateway entry to the WEZ. The proposed development includes 17 new industrial units, a service station, takeaway food and drink premises, a carwash facility, 163 car parking spaces, stormwater detention ponds and landscaping including riparian zone revegetation.

To progress the development, Barker Ryan Stewart is designing the Sparks Road and Mountain Road intersection upgrade for our client and subject to approval, will work with various landowners to create a shared funding mechanism to equitably share the costs.

Mountain Road, Halloran – Industrial Subdivision

Our team is providing planning, civil engineering and traffic engineering services required to obtain development consent for a proposed 20-lot industrial subdivision at Mountain Road, Halloran.

Located on a 16.58-hectare site, the proposed subdivision includes 18 industrial lots and 2 residual lots ranging in size from 3,700m to 3.23 hectares, with associated works including roads, drainage and earthworks.

The site is ideally positioned along Mountain Road and gains access via the Sparks Road and Mountain Road intersection.

What are the next steps to unlocking the Wyong Employment Zone?

The proposed developments in the WEZ have the potential to bolster the local economy and provide significant employment opportunities for the area’s growing population.

There are currently over 100-hectares of land located in the Mountain Road precinct, which can only progress following infrastructure upgrades, including the Sparks Road and Mountain Road intersection and connections to sewer and water.

To unlock the WEZ, a collaborative and consistent approach is required from all levels of government to progress critical developments including the Mountain Road intersection. Until this can be achieved, developments in the WEZ remain stuck at a crossroads.

How can Barker Ryan Stewart assist?

Our experienced team has worked on several key development sites located in the Wyong Employment Zone, ensuring we are well-resourced and positioned to provide our full range of services for your next project.

For further information on how we can assist with your development in the Wyong Employment Zone, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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